
8th ICIS Asian Polyolefins Conference

November 2020 // Bangkok, Thailand





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Asian Polyolefins Training Course Agenda

An Introduction to Polyolefins: Industry fundamentals and market dynamics

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08:30Registration and refreshments
09:00Understanding petrochemicals and polymers [More Info]
09:45Refreshments break
10:00Examining oil and gas and its relationship with polyolefins [More Info]
11:15Polyolefins production process and value chains [More Info]
12:15Lunch break
13:15The Polyolefins Markets Part I: US and China [More Info]
14:15Refreshments break
14:30The Polyolefins Markets Part II: Spotlight on the European region [More Info]
15:15Exercise: Where do polylolefins fit in into the petrochemicals value chain?
16:00Pricing and Markets [More Info]
16:45Wrap up and Q&A
17:00End of Session
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