
The 8th ICIS World Surfactants Conference

Shifting consumer trends are shaping the industry

May 9 - 11, 2018 // Hyatt Regency Jersey City // NJ, USA (Training Course: May 8)

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Surfactants Training Course Agenda

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May 8, 2018
08:30Registration and refreshments
09:00Welcome and introduction to course
09:15Understanding surfactants [More Info]
10:15Refreshment break
10:30Production routes to surfactants [More Info]
11:30Industry Structure [More Info]
14:00Exercise – Building the surfactants value chain
14:30Price and cost drivers [More Info]
15:30Refreshment break
15:45Future Trends [More Info]
16:30Group Quiz
17:00Course wrap up and end of seminar
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Make sure you take advantage of our preferential rate for loyal customers!

The 2019 registrations are now open and the offer is available until May 25, 2018. Quote promo code WSC19PDO to receive the discount.

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